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Rural catchment

also refer to Theory: Rural catchment


*Einzugsgebiete (*.EZG)
*| Bez  | KNG |      Gebietskenngroessen     |   N    |   Verdunstung    |       Temperatur       | QBASIS  | PSI | SCS (2)  | BF0 |        Retentionskonstanten                  |  Aufteilung  |           Schneekonstanten          | QSpende      |
*|      |     |   A    VG    Ho    Hu    L   | Datei  |Kng Sum    Datei  |Kng Tem JGG TGG  Datei  | qB  JGG | (1) | CN  VorRg| (3) | R  K(VG)   K1     K2    Int    Bas  nLin Expo| Beta1  Beta2 | R  GrT  NSchD  GrD   RateT   RateSB | MQ           |
*|  -   | 1-4 |  ha     %   muNN  muNN   m   | Nummer |1/2 mm/a   Nummer |1/2 °C   -   -   Nummer |l/sqkm - |  -  |  -   mm  |  %  | -    h      h      h      h      h   J/N  -  |   -      -   | -  °C     %     %   mm/(°d)   mm/d  | m3/(s ha)    |
 |   A  |  B  |   C     D     E     F     G  |    H   | I    J       K   | L   M   N   O      P   |  Q    R |  S  |  T    U  |  V  |R1   R2     R3     R4     R5     R6   R7   R8 |   B1     B2  |S1   S2    S3    S4     S5      S6   |    Q1        |



  • v0.9.4:
    • ab r544: Aufteilungsfaktoren Beta beziehen sich nur noch auf unversiegelte Fläche; Beta2 optional
    • ab r532: wieder ohne urbane Gebiete
  • vorher
  • A: unique ID (must begin with 'A'!)
  • B: calculation type [1-4] (see below). Refers to the pervious areas; the impervious areas are generally calculated with the same methods.
  • C: area [ha]
  • D: fraction of impervious area [%]
  • E: maximum height [müNN]
  • F: minimum height [müNN]
  • G: longest flow path [m]


  • H: Filenumber of the rainfall file (refer to *.EXT-File)


  • I: calculation type for the evaporation (1 = annual evaporation; 2 = evaporation out of a time series / file)
    • J: annual evaporation [mm/a]
    If soil moisture calculation: the sum referring to grassland must be entered,which is internally overprinted with hydrographs according to Brandt[1] and Haude[2][3] and is adjusted to the land use in the individual hydrological response unit.
    • K: filenumber of the evaporation time series to be utilized (refer to *.EXT-File)
    only daily values may be listed in the time series because the time series values are always additionally overprinted with a daily pattern! (Bug 1)


Base flow:

  • Q: constant base flow [l/s.km²]
If soil moisture calculation this value only surves the purpose of calculating the initial reservoir content of the groundwater and interflow reservoirs:
S0,Basis = QB,0 × KBasis
S0,Interflow = QB,0 × KInterflow
  • R: number of the annual pattern to be utilized to scale the base flow (not used by soil moisture)

Calculation type 1: run-off coefficient method:

  • S: run-off coefficient (0 < ψ ≤ 1)
[math]\displaystyle{ \psi = \frac{N_{eff} + E_T + h_v}{N} }[/math]
Neff=effective rainfall
ET = evaporation
hv = initial losses (losses due to wetting and troughs)
also refer to http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abflussbeiwert

Calculation type 2: SCS-Method:

refer to Theory:SCS-Method
  • T: CN-Value (0 < CN ≤ 100)
  • U: 21-Day prior rainfall height [mm] (is distributed evenly over 21 days), only relevant for the period before the simulation, during the simulation, the prior rainfall height is continuously simulated.

Calculation type 3: soil moisture calculation:

refer to Theory: soil moisture calculation
  • V: initial soil moisture [% of field capacity] this value is overprinted by the global initial soil moisture specified in the ALL-File.

Calculation type 4: specific discharge:

  • Q1: constant specific discharge [m3/(s ha)]

Retention constant:

Berechnung der Retentionskonstanten[4]
  • R1: manual input of the retention constants as well as the distribution factors [Y/N]
    if No (N) the retention constants for the surface runoff (R2, R3 and R4) as well as the distribution factors (B1 and B2) are calculated internally according to Zaiß[4] on the basis of catchment characteristics. The calculated parameters are written into the Protocol-File, if it is activated.
  • R2: Retention constant of the impervious area cascade [h]
  • R3: Retention constant of the fast cascade [h]
  • R4: Retention constant of the slow cascade [h]
  • R5: Retention constant of interflow [h] (only for soil moisture calculation)
  • R6: Retention constant of base flow [h] (only for soil moisture calculation)
  • R7: non-linear calculation [Y/N]
  • R8: Exponent fot the non-linear calculation

Distribution factors:
The distribution factors Beta1 and Beta2 only refer to pervious areas!

The sum of Beta1 and Beta2 must be 1 (β1 + β2 = 1)!

  • B1: Distribution factor of the fast cascade 0 ≤ β1 ≤ 1
  • B2: Distribution factor of the slow cascade 0 ≤ β2 ≤ 1

The distribution factor β3 of the cascade for impervious areas is determined internally on basis of the fraction of impervious areas (D).

Providing β2 is optional. If not provided it is calculated by β2 = 1. - β1

Snow constants:
For the calculation of snow the Snow-Compaction Method according to Knauf[5] is applied.

  • S1: manual input of the snow constants [Y/N]
    (if N or emtpy, default values will be utilized)
  • S2: Threshold temperature for the formation of snow [°C]
  • S3: New-snow density [%]
  • S4: Threshold density as of which water output begins [%]
  • S5: Temperature dependent melting rate [mm/(K×d)]
  • S6: Insolation and soil warmth dependent melting rate [mm/d]

Value ranges and default values:

Parameter Unit Default value Value range[5]
Threshold temperature °C 0 ?
New-snow density % 11 5 - 20
Threshold density % 40 40 - 45
Temperature dependent melting rate mm/(K×d) 1.8 ?
Insolation and soil warmth dependent melting rate mm/d 4.2 ?

Specific discharge:
constant specific discharge (calculation type = 4)

  • Q1: constant specific discharge [m3/(s ha)]


  1. Brandt, T. (1979): Modell zur Abflussgangliniensimulation unter Berücksichtigung des grundwasserbürtigen Abflusses, Technischer Bericht Nr. 24 aus dem Institut für Wasserbau, Fachgebiet Ingenieurhydrologie und Hydraulik der TH Darmstadt
  2. Haude, W. (1954): Zur praktischen Bestimmung der aktuellen und potentiellen Evapotranspiration. – Mitteilungen des DWD, Bd. 8; Bad Kissingen
  3. Haude, W. (1955): Zur Bestimmung der Verdunstung auf möglichst einfache Weise. Mitteilungen des DWD, 2 (11), Bad Kissingen
  4. 4.0 4.1 Zaiß, H. (1986): Abflussermittlung aus Teilflächen, in "Hydrologische Abflussmodelle in der praktischen Anwendung", 36. Fortbildungslehrgang des BWK-Hessen am 21. März 1986, Friedberg [ihwb-Bibliothek: Inv.-Nr. 5593, 10 BWK 36] PDF information.png OCR information.png
  5. 5.0 5.1 Knauf, D. (1980): Die Berechnung des Abflusses aus einer Schneedecke, in: DVWK-Schriften, Heft 46, Analyse und Berechnung oberirdischer Abflüsse PDF information.png