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EVO.png BlueM.Opt | Usage | Development

BlueM.Opt input files: MOD · OPT · OBF · CON


This file defines the parameters that are to be optimized. Each line corresponds to one optimization parameter. Each optimization parameter can be used to calculate one or more model parameters.

This file must have the same filename as the rest of the simulation dataset but have the file extension .OPT, and be located in the same directory as the rest of the dataset.

Example with 4 optimization parameters (calibration of a rainfall-runoff model by optimizing runoff coefficient and retention constants):

*Optimization parameters
*| Name         | Unit  | Start value |  Min   |  Max   | Relation  |
 | RunoffCoeff  |   -   |    0.5      |   0.1  |   0.9  |           |
 | RetConstV    |   -   |    1        |   0.1  |    10  |           |
 | RetConst1    |   -   |    1        |   0.1  |    10  |     >     |
 | RetConst2    |   -   |    1        |   0.1  |    10  |     >     |


Parameter Description
Name Name of the optimization parameter (arbitrary)
This name is also used in the MOD-file so that model parameters can be associated with optimization parameters
Unit Unit of the parameter value (optional)
Start value Start value for the parameter
Min & Max Lower and upper bound for the parameter value
Relation Optional relation to another optimization parameter. The relation is defined as a constraint of the parameter's value in regard to the value of the optimization parameter on the previous line. (#241)
  •   (no relation)
  • < (smaller than)
  • <= (smaller or equal than)
  • > (larger than)
  • >= (larger or equal than)

If a relation is specified, the algorithm makes sure that the relation is always adhered to by generating new parameter values up to 1000 times if necessary, until the defined relation is satisfied. If, after 1000 tries, the relation is still not satisfied, the algorithm attempts to adjust the parent parameter value and tries again. WARNING: This can cause an infinite loop under some circumstances (#743)! It is advisable to use relations as sparingly as possible and in particular to avoid multiple consecutive relations.

The width of the columns can be adjusted if necessary, but the column separators (|) must be preserved!

An asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line causes the line to be ignored.