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EVO.png BlueM.Opt | Usage | Development

BlueM.Opt input files: MOD · OPT · OBF · CON

This file defines the model parameters. They are derived from the optimization parameters and written to the input files of the simulation model (the dataset). Each line corresponds to one model parameter.

The file must have the same filename as the rest of the dataset's files but have the file extension .MOD, and be located in the same directory as the rest of the dataset.

Example for auto-calibration of a rainfall-runoff model with runoff-coefficient and retention constant for two catchments:

*Model parameters
*| OptParameter | Name    | Unit  | File | Element| Line | from | to  | Factor |
 | PSI          | A01_psi |   -   |  EZG |  S201  |   10 | 110  | 114 |   1    |
 | PSI          | A02_psi |   -   |  EZG |  S201  |   11 | 110  | 114 |   1    |
 | RetKonst     | A01_K1  |   -   |  EZG |  S201  |   10 | 143  | 148 |   10   |
 | RetKonst     | A02_K1  |   -   |  EZG |  S201  |   11 | 143  | 148 |   10   |


Parameter Description
OptParameter Name of the optimization parameter from which this model parameter is derived.
Name Arbitrary name of the model parameter
Unit of the parameter value
File File extension of the model input file in which the model parameter is located. (E.g. for BlueM.Sim: EZG, TRS, TAL, BOF, BOA, BOD, etc.)
Name of the element associated with the model parameter.
Line Line number at which the parameter is located within the model input file.
from & to Column numbers between which the model parameter is defined within the model input file.
Factor Factor with which the optimization parameter value should be multiplied to obtain the model parameter value.

The width of the columns can be adjusted if necessary, but the column separators (|) must be preserved!

An asterisk (*) at the beginning of the line causes the line to be ignored.