BlueM.Sim compilation

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Use Bytes as RECL

Allgemeine Einstellungen

Compiler-Einstellungen (Flags), die zur erfolgreichen Kompilierung erforderlich sind.

  • Damit Intel Fortran bei unformatierten Dateien die Record-Länge als bytes und nicht als 4-byte Einheiten (longwords) interpretiert, muss folgender Flag gesetzt werden: "Use Bytes as RECL unit for unformatted files: Yes" (siehe Bild)

Intel Fortran 9.1

Aus den Release notes:

Constants Are Now Read-Only

Constants, including literals and named constants (PARAMETER), are now allocated in a memory section that is protected against write access. This means that if a constant is passed as an actual argument to a procedure and the procedure tries to modify the argument, an access violation will result. For example:

call sub (3)
subroutine sub (i)
i = i + 1 ! Will cause an access violation

The Fortran language prohibits changing the definition status of an argument associated with a constant or expression. If your application needs to do so, you can specify the /assume:noprotect_constants option. (In the visual development environment, select project property Fortran..Data..Constant Actual Arguments Can Be Changed..Yes.) This will instruct the compiler to create and pass a temporary copy of the constant actual argument. The called procedure can change this copy which will be discarded when the procedure exits.