BlueM.Sim output files
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Some of the output files generated by BlueM can be controlled by the output options in the ALL-File.For the output of outflow values and outflow balances the corresponding objects marked in the SYS-File must be added.
- MAX-File: Output of the maximum values for each object in the system .
- WEL-Format: Output of the runoff volume and volume time series for all objects marked in the SYS-File system.
- KWL-Format: Output of the runoff volume and volume time series for all control functions.
- BLZ-Format: Output of the runoff volume and volume balances for all objects marked in the SYS-File system.
- PRB-Format: Output of the probability distributions.
Extended edition:
- EFL.WEL-Format: Detailed wave output of each elementary soil processes and surface layer (only when soil moisture calculation)
- EFL.TXT-Format: Output of the simulation parameters used for soil characteristics per elementary area (only when soil moisture calculation)
Errors and Warnings:
- Err_YYMMDDhhmmss.ERR: Output errors z.B. Err_090730125812.ERR:(ehemals $FEHL.tmp:)
- $WARN.TMP: Warnings