Wave project file

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Wave.png Wave | Development

A Wave project file (*.wvp) is a text file that can be used to quickly load multiple series from multiple files at once. You can create/edit a project file using a text editor or save a project file from within Wave (Icon disk.png Save → Icon chart curve link.png Save project file).

The basic format is as follows:

 series=<series name>
 series=<series name>
 series=<series name>
 series=<series name>

The file keyword specifies the path to the time series file to import from. The path can be absolute or relative (to the project file). You can specify multiple files.

The series keyword specifies the name of the series to import from the file specified above it. You can specify multiple series per file. If none are specified, all series contained in the file are imported.

Note: If the series name contains a colon (:), the name has to be enclosed in quotes, e.g.:


Custom titles

It is possible to specify custom titles by writing the custom title after a colon (:) behind the series name:

 series=<series name>:my custom title

Note: If the custom title contains an equal sign (=) or a comma (,), it must be enclosed in quotes, e.g.:

 series=<series name>:"my , very = custom title"

Series options

Additional series options can be specified as a list of comma-separated keyword arguments after a colon (:) behind the series name:

 series=<series name>:<keyword>=<value>, <keyword>=<value>, ...

Note: When using keyword options, any custom title must also be specified using the appropriate title keyword.

The following keywords are supported:

  • title: assigns a custom title
  • unit: assigns the specified unit
  • interpretation: assigns the specified interpretation, must be the name of one of the members of BlueM.Wave.TimeSeries.InterpretationEnum, possible values:
    • Instantaneous
    • BlockRight
    • BlockLeft
    • Cumulative
    • CumulativePerTimestep
    • Undefined
  • color: assigns the specified color, can be the name of one of the members of System.Drawing.KnownColor (e.g. Red) or a hexadecimal representation of ARGB values (e.g. ffff0000)
  • linewidth: assigns the specified line width (default is 2)
  • linestyle: assigns the specified line style, must be the name of one of the members of System.Drawing.Drawing2D.DashStyle, possible values:
    • Solid (default)
    • Dash
    • Dot
    • DashDot
    • DashDotDot
  • showpoints: whether to display series points, must be True or False, default is False


  • Keywords can be specified in any order and are not case-sensitive
  • Values are case-sensitive and must be enclosed in quotes if they contain an equal sign (=) or a comma (,)


This is a basic example that loads multiple series from multiple different files of different types:

# Import multiple series from multiple files
 series=S3  _1AB: S3 outflow
 series=S3  _1ZU: S3 inflow
 series=abfluss_1.bin: title="Discharge", unit="m3/s", interpretation=Instantaneous, color=Red, linewidth=4, linestyle=Dash, showPoints=True

Custom file import settings

It is also possible to specify custom import settings for a file. This is useful for generic text or csv files.

Example with all possible settings:

 # custom import settings
 dateformat=dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss
 # series to import

The accepted import settings are described below:

  • isColumnSeparated: whether the columns are separated by a character (True) or are fixed width (False). Default: True
  • separator: the column separator (only relevant if isColumnSeparated=True). Default: ;, possible values: space, tab, ,, or any other single-character string
  • columnWidth: the column width (only relevant if isColumnSeparated=False). Default: 16
  • dateformat: the date format (see help). Default: dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm
  • decimalSeparator: the decimal separator for numbers. Default: .
  • iLineHeadings: the number of the line containing the headings. Default: 1
  • iLineUnits: the number of the line containing the units. Default: 2
  • iLineData: the number of the first line of data. Default: 3
  • useUnits: whether to read units from the file. Default: True
  • dateTimeColumnIndex: The 0-based index of the column containing date time values. Default: 0


  • all whitespace apart from linebreaks in the project file is optional
  • lines starting with # are ignored (treated as comments)
  • support for this file was added in v1.6.1 (r445)
  • support for specifying custom file import settings was added in v1.6.2 (r481)
  • support for keyword options was added in v2.6.0