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<HIGHLIGHTSYNTAX language="php3"> <?php /**
* WikiMedia Extension for Code Syntax Highlighting with the [ | Beautifier Syntax Highlighting Engine]. * * Parses any content defined within the <highlightSyntax></highlightSyntax> tag * with the [ | Beautifier Syntax Highlighting Engine] and * returns the HTML output. * @author Lucas Hrabovsky <> * @copyright © 2006 Amie Inc. * @package MediaWiki * @subpackage Extensions * @filesource */
* ---------------------------------------- * Configuration Vars. * ---------------------------------------- * @string BEAUT_PATH The root path to your Beatuifier installation. * @string LOCAL_SERVER_ROOT The root path to use when opening files on the local server for highlighting. * @string OUTPUT_HIGHLIGHT_AS Whether to output the HTML as CSS friendly or not. enum('CSS','HTML') */
$BEAUT_PATH = "/path/to/your/beautifier/installation/"; $LOCAL_SERVER_ROOT = "/pathtoyour/public_html/or/www/directory/"; $OUTPUT_HIGHLIGHT_AS = "HTML"; /**
* Add the syntax highlighting extension to the wgExtensionFunctions array. */
$wgExtensionFunctions[] = "syntaxHighlightingExtension"; /**
* Register the syntaxHighlightingExtension with the Wiki Parser and associate * the highlightSyntax tag with the syntaxHighlightingRenderHtml function. */
function syntaxHighlightingExtension(){
global $wgParser; $wgParser->setHook("HIGHLIGHTSYNTAX","syntaxHighlightingRenderHtml");
} /**
* The callback function for converting the input text to HTML output. */
function syntaxHighlightingRenderHtml($input, $argv){
/** * Pass in the globals defined above for use in the function. */ global $BEAUT_PATH, $LOCAL_SERVER_ROOT, $OUTPUT_HIGHLIGHT_AS; /** * Require the two main files for the beautifier. */ require_once ($BEAUT_PATH."Beautifier/Core.php");
/** * If a specific language is requested load the relevant file and create the highlighter */ $myhfile = null; if($argv["language"]){ require_once ($BEAUT_PATH."HFile/HFile_".$argv["language"].".php");
if (FALSE === eval("\$myhfile = new HFile_".$argv["language"]."();") ) { $output .= "Error:1 Could not instantiate HFile_".$argv["language"]."()
"; }
/** * Otherwise use php as a default */ else { require_once ($BEAUT_PATH."HFile/HFile_php3.php"); $myhfile = new HFile_php3(); }
/** * Sett up the highlight object based on whether * you want the output as CSS freindly or straight HTML. */ if($OUTPUT_HIGHLIGHT_AS=="CSS"){ require_once ($BEAUT_PATH."Output/Output_css.php"); $outputter = new Output_css(); } else { require_once ($BEAUT_PATH."Output/Output_HTML.php"); $outputter = new Output_Html(); }
$highlighter = new Core($myhfile, $outputter);
/** * The meat and potatoes... */
/** * If the serverFile argument is passed in the tag, load the local file into the highlighter parser. */ if($argv["serverFile"]){
$output .= "
$output .= $highlighter->highlight_text($highlighter->load_file($serverRoot.$argv["serverFile"]));$output .= "
return $output; /** * If its a remote file, open it up and parse the returned contents. */ } else if($argv["remoteFile"]){ $openFileName = $argv["remoteFile"]; $fp = fopen($openFileName, "r"); if(!$fp){ $output = "Error: Syntax Highlighter could not open the file ".$openFileName."
"; } else { $fileContents = fread($fp, 8096); fclose($fp);
$output .= "
Code from <a href=\"".$argv["remoteFile"]."\">".$argv["remoteFile"]."</a>
<pre>\n";$output .= $highlighter->highlight_text($fileContents);$output .= "
} return $output; /** * Else we just want to highlight the code within the syntaxHighlight tags. */ } else {
$output .= "
$output .= $highlighter->highlight_text($input);$output .= "
return $output; }