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The Wave API provides a few methods for reading time series from files, manipulating and displaying them.
The BlueM.Wave API provides methods for reading time series from files, manipulating and displaying them.
To access the API, include a reference to Wave.exe (or to the Wave project if you have the source code) in your .NET project.
Below are some examples.
<source lang="vbnet">
'Load a time series file and display it in Wave
Dim Wave1 As New BlueM.Wave.Wave()
Wave1.Import_File("path\to\file") 'depending on the file format, this may display an import dialog
<source lang="vbnet">
'More complex example showcasing some more advanced techniques
Dim Wave1 As New BlueM.Wave.Wave()
Dim myFile As BlueM.Wave.FileFormats.FileFormatBase
Dim ts As BlueM.Wave.TimeSeries
'read a file
myFile = BlueM.Wave.FileFormats.FileFactory.getFileInstance("path\to\file")
'check the available time series
For Each sInfo As BlueM.Wave.FileFormats.FileFormatBase.SeriesInfo In myFile.SeriesList
'select all series for import
'read the selected time series from the file
'loop over all series read from the file and print some information about them
For Each ts In myFile.FileTimeSeries.Values
Console.WriteLine("Series title: " & ts.Title)
Console.WriteLine("Extent: " & ts.StartDate & " - " & ts.EndDate)
Console.WriteLine("Max value: " & ts.Maximum)
Console.WriteLine("Min value: " & ts.Minimum)
'get one particular time series
ts = myFile.getTimeSeries("S1  _1AB")
'cut the time series
ts.Cut(New DateTime(1959, 1, 1), New DateTime(1960, 1, 1))
'loop over the nodes of the time series
Dim d As DateTime
Dim v As Double
For Each node As KeyValuePair(Of DateTime, Double) In ts.Nodes
d = node.Key
v = node.Value
'Display the series in Wave
<source lang="vbnet">
'Create your own time series and display it in Wave
Dim Wave1 As New BlueM.Wave.Wave()
'create a new time series
Dim ts As New BlueM.Wave.TimeSeries("my series")
ts.Unit = "m3/s"
ts.Interpretation = Wave.TimeSeries.InterpretationEnum.BlockRight
'add some nodes to the time series
ts.AddNode(New DateTime(2000, 1, 1), 10)
ts.AddNode(New DateTime(2000, 1, 2), 20)
ts.AddNode(New DateTime(2000, 1, 3), 30)
ts.AddNode(New DateTime(2000, 1, 4), 15)
'Display the series in Wave
<source lang="vbnet">
'import time series from a CSV file with custom import settings
Dim file As String = "path\to\file.csv"
Dim csv As New BlueM.Wave.FileFormats.CSV(file)
'set import settings
csv.IsColumnSeparated = True
csv.Separator = New BlueM.Wave.Character(";")
csv.UseUnits = True
csv.iLineHeadings = 1
csv.iLineUnits = 2
csv.iLineData = 3
csv.Dateformat = "dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"
'read series info with new import settings
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("File contains {0} time series:", csv.FileTimeSeries.Count))
For Each sInfo As BlueM.Wave.FileFormats.FileFormatBase.SeriesInfo In csv.SeriesList
'select all time series for import and then read the file
Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Read {0} time series:", csv.FileTimeSeries.Count))
For Each ts As BlueM.Wave.TimeSeries In csv.FileTimeSeries.Values
    Console.WriteLine("Timeseries: " & ts.Title)
'Display the first time series
Dim Wave1 As New BlueM.Wave.Wave()

For details, see https://bluemodel.github.io/BlueM.Wave/api/index.html


Latest revision as of 10:42, 7 November 2022

Wave.png Wave | Download | Development

The BlueM.Wave API provides methods for reading time series from files, manipulating and displaying them.

For details, see https://bluemodel.github.io/BlueM.Wave/api/index.html