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UVF stands for "Universelles Variables Format" and is a widely-used time series format in Germany.

A format description is available here: http://aquaplan.de/public_papers/imex/sectionUVF.html (archived version)


Abfluss        m3/s            K
Hausen         2516360.005678290.00
8611010015 0.184    
8611010030 0.189    
8611010045 0.191    
8611010100 0.1940000
8611010115 0.2010000
8611010130 0.2010000

A slightly modified format is also in use, which allows for more header lines and instead of the DefArt entry contains entries for the starting and ending centuries of the time series.


$sb Index-Einheit: 
$ib Funktion-Interpretation: Summenlinie
$sb Import-Dateiname: P:\P1300_WBM_Dhuenn\1_Bearbeitung\4_ZR\Nieder\3_Modell\neumuehle_74-09.uvf
$sb Mess-Groesse: Niederschlag: Auffüllen von Lücken nach Priorität (5)
$sb Mess-Einheit: mm
$sb Mess-Stellennummer: SNEM
$fb Geo-Rechtswert:         2589930
$fb Geo-Hochwert:         5662480
$fb Geo-Hoehe:          179.75
Niederschlag: Amm             1900 2000
SNEM              2589930   5662480    179.75
7311010730         0
7311050224         0
7311050240 .30333331
7311050255        .5
7311050414        .5
7311050415 .51499999
7311050419 .78500003
7311050420 .80000001

Wave makes the following assumptions when importing UVF files:

  • Lines starting with $ are ignored
  • If no starting century is specified, 1900 is assumed
  • Values of -777 are assumed to be error values and converted to NaN during import